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Make Azeroth Great Again Guild Application


  • 1 Background
  • 2 Advantages of a guild
    • 2.ane Detect a Guild
    • two.2 Guild size
    • 2.3 Active members
    • 2.4 Group
    • ii.5 Reputation
    • ii.six Multifariousness
    • two.7 Visit guild web sites
    • 2.viii Interview order members
    • 2.9 Positive guild behavior
    • 2.x Applications
    • 2.11 Conclusion
    • 2.12 Leaving a guild
  • iii Starting a society
    • Banking guilds
  • 4 Society types
  • 5 Communicating in a guild
  • 6 Running a successful social club
    • 6.ane Before yous create a guild
    • vi.2 Creating the society
    • 6.three Communication & Communication Guidelines
    • 6.4 Ranking and Promotion
    • 6.5 Encouragement
    • 6.6 Events
    • six.vii Dealing with conflict
    • 6.8 Other resource
  • 7 Lodge tabards and bank tabs
  • 8 Frequently asked questions
  • 9 Creating a guild website
    • ix.i Typical features for guild websites
    • 9.ii Pop guild hosting services
  • ten Patch changes
  • 11 References
  • 12 See likewise
  • 13 External links
For diverse information related to guilds, see Guilds (disambiguation).

A guild is typically an in-game association of player characters. Guilds are formed to make grouping and raiding easier and more than rewarding, as well equally to course a social atmosphere in which to enjoy the game. Banking guilds are also used by many individual players as a way to increase the rather express bank storage space available in the game.

Search for guilds on WoWWiki


From Joining Guilds on the sometime official site (much of the info below was based on this folio):

Guilds offer many benefits including free items, opportunities for groups, access to merchandise skill masters, quest items, and readily bachelor merchandise skill ingredients through gathering guild members. Yous may find that a guild greatly enhances your gameplay experience. You can come across friends, share adventures, and find people to protect you if you lot fight in faction versus faction combat. Typically, players in adept guilds tin can go places and do things that players in poor guilds or no lodge can't. This is especially the case at character levels 60-85, where the dungeons become very challenging.
Proceed in listen that guilds are run past players and not Blizzard. The quality of the guild and the club feel depends entirely on the players in that social club. Guilds can exist a grab bag where you lot never know what you'll get. Every guild is different.
Finding a guild can be very easy. People often sit down in town asking anyone to join their club because guilds require a minimum number of members to create. However, finding a quality lodge with quality members and leadership can be a hard chore. Don't be afraid to shop effectually. You lot tin can join one guild, try information technology out, then leave and join some other guild until you find i yous similar.

Annotation: You can movement from lodge to lodge, but this volition not enhance your reputation equally time goes on. Sometimes the best thing to do is try to make your guild better and leave if that fails. Guilds will be more than reluctant to invite yous if you have the reputation of joining, taking what y'all need, and leaving for the next guild that has something ameliorate.

Advantages of a club

  • Patch 4.0.3a: Guilds now receive gild perks after gaining levels, which offer a variety of rewards including an increment in experience, reputation, and money earned
  • Having a group of people willing to assist, and on later on levels, being able to do high-end instances and raid instances such as Obsidian Sanctum, Naxxramas, Center of Eternity and Ulduar. As well finding Battle Groups will be much much easier.
  • Having a group of people to talk to socially wherever you lot are and whatever yous're doing.
  • Guild members are often a more reliable and more kind source of data than general conversation.
  • A guild banking company lets y'all substitution items not right for your class or style with ones you prefer or simply assist out those less fortunate. With patch 2.3 real guild banks take been introduced and players no longer need to host a depository financial institution grapheme for their guild.
  • Guilds are a keen manner to better your World of Warcraft experience.

Find a Lodge

At that place are many ways to observe a Gild. Here are a few spots to bank check out:

  • Join the Guild Recruitment Channel in game
  • Scout the Trade Channel in game for recruiting social club letters
  • Check the Warcraft Forums
  • Use guild community providers to discover guilds that are recruiting players of your class/spec.

Guild size

Guild size tin be a big cistron in choosing a guild. Guilds that invite too many people, that don't pick quality members, and invite new people all the time are generally less organized and less powerful. Nevertheless, it can be much easier to find people to grouping within a larger society. Smaller guilds are more personal. 1 complaint that players have about big guilds is that you frequently come across guild members you don't know ("I don't know all these people."). With a smaller guild in that location is much more than opportunity to become to know each member. For that reason, some players prefer a small gild. Ultimately, the "Big vs. Small" debate depends on the guild and the members that bring together. There are large guilds that still remain very proficient. Leadership and recruitment policies are the main factors in determining how a guild turns out.

Q: What exercise y'all mean when you say pocket-sized club?
A: Most people consider a small guild one with less than 100 members. A society with less than 50 members is getting really small, but near guilds offset out that way.
Q: What practice you mean when you say large guild?
A: Most people consider a large guild one with more than 100 members (usually more than 150). A cohesive, big guild can be a very good thing. While many large guilds accept an active cadre, many of the players may also be inactive and human activity equally filler to give the illusion the society is bigger than it actually may be.
Q: What are the advantages of existence in a minor or large guild?
A: Being in a small guild more often than not has a more tight knit community and more personal connections and meliorate friends. But the same can exist said for a big guild, and big guilds accept faster look times for finding a grouping. Basically just go where you feel at home and have fun.

Agile members

Guild size is less important than the amount of regularly online active members. Some small guilds have more agile members than large guilds. A large problem with guilds as they grow is the abundance of alts that pump upward the society size, but non the active membership. You want a guild with lots of active members, since that increases opportunities within the social club. Ideally, a guild you join will have active members in your level range.


Grouping can be a good manner to notice a guild. Team up with people and play with them for a while. Make friends with them and play together for several days. If they get to like y'all, they will usually want you in their lodge so that you'll proceed to play with them. Subsequently helping them out, enquire most their society. Perhaps they may help y'all join.


Do your own enquiry into a specific social club. Every bit guilds get powerful, well known, and popular, rumors virtually them brainstorm to appear. Often when a gild member does something to offend a player, that offended actor starts spreading stories about the entire society. Jealous players make untrue generalizations nigh the guild and its members. Brand sure y'all observe out the existent story on your own with any evidence you tin can discover such as screenshots or web reports. Sometimes a guild may be good and is just the victim of a bad reputation. Guilds tin can be very jealous or hostile toward each other and thus make up rumors to hurt the reputation of the other guild. Or, perhaps, the reputation about that guild is truthful. Mayhap the guild is full of troublemakers. Notice out yourself.

Large guilds who don't keep expert tabs on and railroad train their members to behave oftentimes suffer from poor reputations considering yous don't know what to look from their members. Generally it isn't a expert idea to join a guild that doesn't maintain some standard of behavior considering your reputation can go stained by some young jerk who isn't brought in line by gild leadership.

Another bespeak to take away is that what you practice while in a guild may reflect on the reputation of your lodge and may go y'all kicked out. You lot should attempt to find a club that fits your play manner. Information technology's difficult to believe, only some guilds form on the footing of being a bunch of jerks; however, most don't. Then be aware of the image a guild wants to project.


Although some guilds course based on specific race or class affiliations, similar "Elf Druids of Elune", virtually society have a variety of races and classes. The best guilds take not only a diversity of classes (race isn't and so important to gameplay due to the nature of powergaming), but also many different professions and play styles. If you like PvP, y'all should await for a guild that focuses on that play style. If you're into making things, then a guild with a multifariousness of trade skills should be sought. You may need specific classes to fill up needs for doing quests in a dungeon or instance, then a social club with a variety helps with all sorts of situations.

Visit guild web sites

Visit the World of Guild Recruitment forums. They contain links to various guild sites. Y'all tin visit their web sites, see what activities they engage in, and cheque out their rules. Quality guilds often have very adept spider web sites and active forums, which can indicate that they are a good guild to bring together. Y'all tin can too enquire members of a club if they accept a web site.

Interview guild members

If you lot find a guild you lot like, interview some of their guild members. Enquire them how things are in their guild and if they savour information technology. If y'all're interested in joining, ask them who you should talk to. Be very careful when messaging club members because their impression of y'all is very of import. If you offend the guild member, they may spread the give-and-take about your offensive request (via guild chat), and that could harm your chances of joining. Be on your all-time behavior. Asking to join one of the more powerful guilds can really be like to a chore interview in existent life.

Positive guild behavior

Things to consider when looking for a guild:

Good Grouping
One of the most of import things you lot need is the ability to find groups to help you complete your quests. That'south why most people bring together guilds.
Take skillful leadership
A guild needs articulate leadership and strong rules. Members demand someone who can resolve conflicts and give direction to members.
Look for guilds whose members are willing to share items and help you get things. You lot shouldn't expect gratuitous handouts for no effort. A quality lodge volition offer items and discounts to their members. Furthermore, a guild that values generosity will have little or none of the issues discussed under Feuds below.
Some guilds show favoritism towards their core members (ordinarily a difficult to determine and baggy drove) or friends or relatives regardless of their beliefs due to their value to the lodge. Other guilds only pay attention to their high level members and generally let the lower level members struggle until they make information technology to a loftier plenty level. Y'all should look for a guild that gives lower-level members their fair share of attention as well. Since you lot will be a new member, the general pattern puts you at the bottom of the totem pole depending on your gear and level, so you don't want to be in a guild that treats you similar clay unless they have a reason. The best guilds assist you level, pitching in on helping you complete "boss" quests and mayhap even lending some golden when in need.
Depression Spam
Guild chat is the core-advice of a lodge. Society members typically use this method to contact other members in a individual "Global" conversation between individuals in the community. A good guild has mutual rules between leaders so members won't be discouraged from chatting and sharing their opinions of the guild. Otherwise, you might get repressed from your freedom of speech. And if you deem anyone in detail to exist a nuisance in the lodge chat, you can only /ignore them instead of causing a feud. There are also avant-garde chat options that let you to turn off guild chat; however, this might cause you lot to miss out on fun, spur-of-the-moment events.
Particular fights and guild members fighting with each other are common problems in guilds. If the guild has a proficient leader, these problems can be reduced or dealt with when they abound illogical or just to simple personal attacks. Sometimes players quit a guild because of "also much drama." which is an wrong term for "Fighting". If too much time is spent fighting, the leader can arbitrate and draw a conclusion in a feud by removing one of the revolting parties. Exist careful of leaving a society because it will reset your guild reputation. (and if you're a guild leader, don't be skittish near kicking a member that'south decumbent to this behavior)) There will always be other guilds to join but there are never any quality reassurances if for case, one order has some feuding in the conversation but another has a corrupted leader.
Mature Leaders
When players get power such every bit the ability to remove guild members, bench them, and tell them what to do, they sometimes abuse that power. Find a guild whose leaders are responsible with the power they accept, although this cannot exist confirmed until a corrupt action has been taking leaving all leaders eventual suspects.


Many times a guild will request that you put an application on their guild site before they offer you a club invitation. This is especially the instance with endgame PvE guilds, who require a pool of skilled, intelligent players to progress through raid content. Just considering a guild requires an application doesn't mean that they are an elitist or exclusive group. Oftentimes information technology is seen simply a routine requirement for guilds to establish a false sense of condom against potential ninjas due to the added effort in beingness able to join or a way to quickly introduce them to current society members by sharing personal data.

Guild applications vary wildly, but almost all will enquire for your character name, class, level, and guild history. Many will also ask about your real-life age and gender, specific instances you are attuned or keyed for, raiding experience, hobbies or interests outside of WoW. In general it is a good idea to be as specific and thorough as possible on a guild awarding. Unless you already have grouped with or otherwise know current members of the guild, this will probably be their first introduction to you and if you are serious well-nigh becoming part of the guild you will want to make an impression that volition ameliorate your chances of getting an invite. Some gild leaders and officers look for specific things on an awarding (and there can too be specific things they watch out for) and in full general a club application is examined closely to make up one's mind whether the applicant would be a good addition to the society every bit a whole. But the best policy is just to be yourself; if you present yourself as someone who you aren't, your new lodge volition probably observe out quickly (and y'all probably can find another guild that you will exist happier in).

Sometimes guilds allow multiple people to apply every bit a group for the order (oft because they are existent-life friends), but often they enquire that y'all do not. If they do non, or if it is not clear whether they practise, it is a bad thought to put in a grouping application. If y'all truly want to join a guild every bit a group, the best way in this state of affairs is for one person to join the lodge and let them go to know that person. If leaders determine that this first bidder is a good addition to the guild, they will often invite other people because they know that person. Even if this does not happen, you always accept the pick of leaving the guild in gild to notice a place that you and your friends are all welcome.


Practice some research, store around, and keep trying until y'all find a expert guild. Don't give up. There are good guilds out there. You but accept to find them. Recollect, you can ever create your own guild if you desire and make one that follows your own requirements.

Leaving a gild

Type /gquit.

(It is a good idea to let the club leader know why you are leaving first.) If you are the guild leader and want to disband Blazon /gdisband

Don't do this as well much, because your reputation of guild hopping may take hold of up with y'all. Very few guild hoppers can have good reasons every time they quit. In that instance, guilds suspect you don't do any research.

Starting a guild

Talk to a society master NPC in a major urban center. A charter can be purchased for xs. You will demand 4 Players to sign the lease before you tin can turn it in and get-go your social club. Due to a problems, your Guild Charter must be in your original haversack when y'all give it to the Guild Main to create your guild. Another bug is that sometimes the lease breaks and tells you that any name y'all choose already exists, including random letters. The only 'ready' for that is to delete the charter and offset over. Choosing a tabard design costs 10g, but the society can be created without paying for the tabard design. When yous still have the club charter you tin can change the club proper noun to something that isn't taken.

Guild names are example sensitive - this means that in that location could be two guilds, ane named Order of Rogues, and the other named Guild Of Rogues on the same server. (Note the "o" in "of" is capitalized in the 2d.)

Note: When signing a lodge charter, once a role player'south character signs, no alternate characters on that account may sign. The lease must take signatures from 4 other Players, each on a unlike account. This is why people sometimes offer to pay to take their charters signed. Still yous can have dissimilar character from the same account join the guild after charter is turned in.

Once you begin getting signatures on your charter, focus on getting the remaining signatures on your charter and registering the gild. Signatures can disappear if you lot delay, since players are immune to put signatures on other charters until you turn yours in.

Banking guilds

It is common for people to pay players to sign a charter so they can make a "banking order". If you are creating a society for the express purpose of using the club bank infinite for your own character or characters, delight be sure to inform people of your intent upwardly front, and that those who sign your charter volition immediately be kicked out once y'all have formed your guild. If you want to add together other characters to your banking guild, you volition demand someone on a separate account to add your characters since whatsoever person invited to bring together a guild must be logged in, and of course you can't exist logged in on more than i character at a fourth dimension on the same WoW business relationship. You can, however, invite your own characters from your separate WoW accounts if you accept more than than one. Y'all can then remove the friend that helped you invite your characters subsequently you are done adding them.

Guild types

Guilds are often classified into types, such every bit Raid Club, Social Guild, PvP Club, Roleplaying Order, etc. Proceed in mind that these categories are not mutually sectional, and many overlap (for example, some raid guilds like to participate in group PvP, some roleplaying guilds raid, etc).

All Purpose Lodge
An all purpose or general social club has no specific surface area of concentration, but comprises all parts of the game. They may be very large and will consist of players of all levels. Their endgame progression and raiding will exist casual, merely they usually spawn several raid groups every bit their numbers of members cap per expansion. Opportunities in this type of guild tin be comprehensive, with leaders organizing achievements and social events besides as instances and raids.
Alt Guild
A club for alts of members in a primary, usually Progression or Raiding, guild. The characters in this guild tend to exist below the level cap, simply not always. Whatever level cap characters are ordinarily under-geared for the primary guild. Sometimes Alt Guilds are also Leveling Guilds for the primary guild.
Banking company Club
These guilds tend to be not-public private institutions or held past a small close group of friends, IRL or online. In brusk they are just storage, a few extra pages to stash materials, items and occasionally gold. They tend to be held by an alt toon that becomes a Mule (game term), while the chief and preferred alts see game play.
Friends and Family unit Guild
These are guilds similar to Social Guilds that are usually made up of RL family members and/or proficient friends. They can often accept players met only in-game, only they by and large have to accept interacted for a long fourth dimension with existing members. Sometimes these guilds attempt to coordinate RL meetings and events with guild or in-game events.
Leveling Guild
These guilds are often very large and are designed to aid new players or alts level up. They usually consist of a very large range of levels, from lowbies to people in their 70s and a skillful number of 80s. This type of social club is a great place to find players to quest and exercise instances with equally yous level up, but is not a proficient place to detect partners for end-game content. Sometimes these guilds have a trend towards immaturity due to their size and full general inclusiveness. Information technology is not uncommon for a leveling social club to be continued to a raiding guild, and people who reach certain milestones in the leveling society (gear score, level, maturity, etc.) notice themselves being invited into a raiding club.
PvP Gild
PvP guilds focus on histrion versus actor content in battlegrounds and the Arena, in addition to World PvP and city raids. It's not uncommon for members of a proficient PvP society to be the merely players in the meridian PvP spots. These guilds are a great identify to find loonshit team members. They are also ideal for people for whom PvP is the main allure of the game.
Progression Guild
A progression guild is a sub-type of a Raid Guild (see below) that consists nigh exclusively of level-cap, PvE players who's primary intent is to progress as far into end-game content as possible. They tend only to farm older instances or raids to farther the progression goal and supply items to sell in the AH or every bit ingredients for needed flasks and other raiding supplies. Some progression guilds don't fifty-fifty allow sub-level-cap alts, but may have a partnered Leveling or Alt Guild.
Raid Guild
A raid guild is formed to tackle end-game raid instances such as Breastwork of Twilight, the Firelands, and the Dragon Soul. Raid guilds typically have a strong enough core player base to exist able to attend at least the 10-man raids without the assistance of other guilds or PuGs, though they may team up with other guilds for 25-man raids. Of import factors to distinguish are:
  • Attendance: These guilds will usually have raiding schedules, and you are required to attend to some of the planned raids, varying from a few to close to 100% of all raids.
  • Boodle distribution: loot can be divided in many ways; examples are /roll, Loot quango, Suicide Kings, and DKP (a money earned via for example raiding, where the coin must be paid to go dropped loot). To prevent drama it is smart to understand the system in advance.
  • Required level of gear, raid feel, connexion stability, maturity etc. These are factors of varying levels of importance and subjectivity that are all-time informed about by talking to officers of the raid guild.
While raiding guilds are often very focused on raid training and progression, there are some cases where they also help members level or participate in grouping PvP. As most raids are from level 55 and higher, a Raid Guild will most likely exist exclusive to players that are in the low to mid 80s (as of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Cataclysm; mostly level cap characters depending on lodge).
Reboot Club
A guild formed by grouping of players who all want a fresh first. Oftentimes these will be players who have been away from the game for a while or are just looking to get-go over from scratch. All lodge members will be starting out at level 1 and most, if not all, will be new to the server. The idea is for these players to level up together through grouping questing and low-level dungeon runs. This might be considered a sub-blazon of a Leveling Gild.
Roleplaying Guild
RP guilds concentrate on roleplaying, and are almost likely only to be found on roleplaying servers. Guild chat may be in-graphic symbol (although there is some controversy among roleplayers about IC society chats), and members are encouraged to carry as their graphic symbol and adhere strictly to the rules of a Roleplaying realm. This usually does not extend to Political party Chat and Raid Chat.
Social Guild
A social lodge is a order where the members are generally very friendly with each other and play more to make friends or savor the game than to ready for a raid. They are non usually very big guilds, consisting of anywhere between 20-150 members. The members are friendly, caring, and fun to be with, and often assist new members out.

Communicating in a guild

Nigh guild communication happens via order specific chat. The guild tin can besides communicate via forums on a guild website. Often the gild volition also communicate through a VoIP (voice chat) method, particularly during instances, raids, or battlegrounds using programs such as Ventrilo or TeamSpeak.

Running a successful lodge

Running a guild is not easy, and can have a lot of fourth dimension and effort. Information technology can too be very rewarding. One of the most important aspects to any lodge is the quality of its leadership.

Before you create a lodge

Before you create a guild, remember starting time virtually what y'all want out of the order yous volition create. Read through the types of guilds listed higher up for ideas. Perhaps you already know exactly what you lot desire and who you want to bring together, but if non y'all should recollect about those things now.

Develop your ranks and come up with the responsibilities those ranks will have and what each fellow member needs to exercise in club to prove they can handle/deserve those ranks. When you lot create your guild, use your guild command tab in your social window to alter the titles and privileges each rank has to reflect your decisions on the infrastructure. If you somewhen plan to make use of the full x ranks allowed to you by the game, you should fix them all up as soon every bit possible; the all-too-simple rank administration system will non let you reposition ranks, so you lot have to rename each rank leading up to the new rank spot, and so demote anybody to their previous rank.

Creating the guild

When you create a guild, y'all'll accept five members. Information technology is recommended that you be patient and actually find 5 people to sign the charter who volition actually participate in the club, non but people who will sign information technology to assistance you out and get out every bit soon as the guild is created. The guild charters were created for a good reason.

As your members join, brand sure they sympathise the rules and goals that apply to the society. This will subtract the possibility for drama and fighting within the lodge. Use your guild bulletin of the day to get out important information, for example: "Our homepage is @" or "social club run into 5pm Sat in Dalaran".

Communication & Communication Guidelines

Develop a means of advice substitution and so members can communicate even when they aren't all online. Some guilds go by without this, but for finish-game content guilds information technology is necessary. You can do this with an external website, from guild hosting services or a forum or website hosted by someone in the lodge. Other options are using groups on social networks such as Facebook.

Accept guidelines for acceptable guild communication behaviors and consequences for those who violate lodge values. Some social club members play for recreation, relaxation, and fun -- positive experiences. Bullying, bigotry, and negativity are lodge issues and should exist addressed swiftly and without regret. All kinds of negative behaviors in guild advice, regardless of whether or non it attacks another gild member, are socially unacceptable and some of the most insidious sources of offense and drama in a guild. Guilds are social places that should be rubber for members. Using adept judgment is the responsibility of members and leaders in the society. While some guild managers practice non similar to "punish" members who are offensive in jest, skillful members practice leave when the attitudes of other society members are intolerable or unacceptable, which is surely justifiable. Practiced members may get out without complaining because they believe that such behavior represents the tone and voice of the guild itself (that they do not belong or fit in a racist, rude, negative, or socially backward guild where bullies and bigots are tolerated). Insensitivity to homo conditions in the face-to-face world and anti-social behaviors can lead to a bad social club reputation and order full of young and socially inept players. Turning a blind eye to these kinds of behaviors has been the downfall of guilds for years -- and tolerance of these things is wrong. As online social codes of behavior continue to evolve, guild leaders should make sure the phonation of the social club is above reproach and demonstrates the sensation that it matters how human being beings are allowed to treat each other in any environment. Develop a warning system for pocket-size offenses; communicate consequences to players without adept judgment; include social development as a part of lodge direction and leadership. Allow people to grow, just guide them in the process, and if they practice non marshal with club values, ship them away. Letting players know these values at the beginning of their membership may help prevent drama in the first place. Make the guidelines and consequences articulate.

Ranking and Promotion

Most organizing of gild members happens via the Order List UI or social club specific slash commands.

Remember that information technology is okay to let others to hold ability. Promoting members who accept earned your trust to "Raid Leader" or "Veteran" can be quite productive. Though in order to maintain a order, it is of import to realize that the construction of the guild can define stability. When assigning ranks and dealing with promotion, it is oft accepted that trust must be involved. Creation of the ranks and rewarding payers with advancement is good guild leadership and needs to be deliberate and based on criteria that is non capricious but reliable and fair. Having too few ranks leads to too few promotions or opportunities to advance. Ane fashion to create order drama is to be offensive, partial, and arbitrary; trust in a order works both ways. Guild members sentry the behaviors of guild officers, and aspiring members are observing promotions and rewards, so being a fair and reliable leader who values lodge fellow member strengths is important to social club stability and lessens the chances of offending aspiring, defended members who may be justifiably angered by a lack of respect or appreciation from people in positions of responsibleness, privilege, and leadership.

Practice non promote people to powerful positions likewise fast. If you promote a new officer every other twenty-four hours, yous're going to have 15 new officers in a month. So be wary about who you lot choose to promote and give say-so. The ability to promote people is a very powerful privilege, but if you use it as well much, it will lose its power. On the other hand, if you utilize it too little, people volition lose the incentive to stay in the order. Having multiple ranks and offer promotions that permit order members know they're non invisible is a good matter considering if for some reason a guild member feels like zilch more than a vault-moo-cow, he or she may wait for a guild that appreciates all effort to build a strong guild, including social value. Some players bring together guilds to feel continued to other players, so valuing a social gild member who creates a warm atmosphere where people experience connected is in some cases more than vital and valuable than a loner-type player with lots of feel who will non connect with others. Power mongering does not create a great atmosphere or demonstrate responsible leadership. Valuing a diverse membership with a multifariousness of skills and attitudes will help attract and proceed players who enjoy the game, make lodge contributions, and feel esprit. Give credit where credit is due; do not overlook all kinds of contributions as you lot promote players. That kind of promotion policy could create a lopsided order experience.


When someone gets promoted, when a new members joins, or when a member does something generous and so on, make sure you requite them incentive to keep on that path. One tactic is to give out "goodies" similar complimentary enchantments to people in the guild when they are promoted to some of the higher ranks. Another VERY important thing to do is to congratulate someone on a job well washed. Use your guild message of the day to say things like "Congratulations [Player] on your promotion to Officeholder!" or "Welcome to the society [Player]!" Too if you have a guild homepage, it would be a squeamish thing to do to put these kinds of messages on the main page.

Be enthusiastic. If you're non enjoying the guild, why should your members?

Give your members goals. Give them a direction or something to feel like the gild is making progress towards something - whatsoever that something is, is really up to yous and what y'all've designed the guild for.

Empower your members. If you've given your order a goal, and so give your members the feeling that they have the ability to get the chore done. You lot can do this by reinforcing their faith in themselves, or elementary by encouraging statements like "Yous're 1 of the best [form] on this server, I know yous tin can exercise information technology!"


Have regular guild events. Try to have some social club meets or events that volition go along your members feeling like they are function of an active community. Gild events are a good way for you and the residuum of the guild members to come across each other and more than importantly for you to see who'south needs assist, who has what it takes to be a sub-leader and who needs to be told "don't do that." Brand sure that yous get the appointment and times of your guild events known to all your members via communications commutation like a homepage, order message of the day, mail etc.

Dealing with disharmonize

Evidence your appreciation to your members and speak with those who are having bug. If you have someone that wants to go out your society, don't let it outburst your bubble. Everyone has feelings and if y'all speak to and (more importantly) listen to someone who wants to leave the guild, often plenty yous volition detect that they take a good reason for doing then.

It is inevitable that conflict will sometimes ascend within the guild. The fairness and neutrality of the lodge principal is vital in resolving these issues, which can result from many things but are often due to perceived unfairness in some way. Do your best to listen to both sides and make a determination only after you fully empathise the problem. Make sure to follow the rules you have gear up and not cavern in to a player who breaks these rules, even if they have made significant contributions to the guild - this volition only be bad for the guild in the long run, as other players will come across it as unfair.

Other resources

In that location are some resources for Guild Leaders on the official World of Warcraft Raid and Lodge Management forum. You may find guides and FAQs compiled there that might exist able to answer many of the questions you will have every bit a social club leader.

Social club tabards and bank tabs

Each guild tin can pattern their own personal tabard which all guild members can article of clothing. The gild leader designs the tabard for a fee of teng from the Guild Master NPC found in whatsoever major urban center. In some cities, at that place is a separate Guild Tabard Designer NPC standing nearby.

A role player can purchase a tabard to wear for ig from a guild tabard vendor, plant near the Guild Master NPC. If you are not in a lodge, you may nonetheless purchase and vesture a tabard, but it will be grey until you join a guild that has already chosen their design. The tabard is a visual symbol or badge of membership for each order. The just purpose beyond the await is to display your guild or faction pride, otherwise tabards provide no mechanical benefit to your character. One time a tabard is designed, you must pay some other teng each time to modify it, so cull wisely the commencement time around.

The social club banks were introduced with patch 2.3 to assist reduce player-created guild bank characters which oft led to Terms of Use violations. More expensive than tabards, social club banks provide space for members to share items, much like a "multi-histrion bank." The Lodge Leader tin limit the players who can add and/or remove items from the bank. It features six purchasable tabs which have 98 particular slots each with no bag requirement. The cost for the first tab begins at 100g, then increases for each successive tab, 250g, 500g, thoug, 2500g, 5000g, for a grand total of 9350g. The toll of the depository financial institution tabs take led a few guilds to tax their members and mutter that the order bank prices are tailored for hardcore players and raiders, non coincidental guilds. Other than items, gold can be stored and used for repairs.

Oft asked questions

Questionmark.png What is the maximum number of characters that can be used in a order name?

-  24 Characters.

Questionmark.png How do I join a guild?

-  Find a order you'd similar to be in, and ask one of its members. They might have to enquire a order leader (in that location tin be more than than one), and when they decide to let you in, y'all'll receive a notice that someone has invited you into their guild. You'll want to select "Yep", and that's it!

Questionmark.png How do I start my own club?

-  In all the major faction cities, at that place's an NPC who sells Guild Charters. You'll need to purchase one, and so take other players sign before you'll be officially recognized as a society. Whatever y'all do, don't get effectually randomly shoving your guild lease in peoples' faces. This is considered rude and annoying.

Questionmark.png How do I leave a society?

-  /gquit - This removes yous from your guild. If y'all are the last man standing you would accept to /gdisband. Alternatively, you can also leave a society by right-clicking on your name in the listing of society members that is shown in the "Order" tab of the "Social" panel; amongst the menu options that appears will be "Leave Guild."

Questionmark.png How do I use the club conversation aqueduct?

-  /m <bulletin> - Sends a chat message to all members of your guild.
-  /o <message> - Sends a chat bulletin to all officers of your social club.
-  Likewise note that y'all can turn guild chat off for sure ranks in your guild.

Questionmark.png What's the deal with tabards?

-  The tabard is a visual symbol or bluecoat of membership for each club (or overall faction in the case of the Laurels Organization advantage Individual/Scout tabards). The only purpose beyond looking absurd is to display your guild or faction pride, otherwise tabards provide no mechanical benefit to your grapheme.
-  **EDIT** A Lodge Tabard will count toward 2 achievements: Represent and Ten Tabards.

Questionmark.png How do I add people to my guild?

-  /ginvite <role player> - Invites another histrion to join your guild.

Questionmark.png How do I remove people from my guild?

-  /gremove <player> - Removes a player from your guild.

Questionmark.png If I have a tabard with one social club, do I demand to purchase a new one if I join a dissimilar guild?

-  No. The graphic on the tabard is dynamic and will modify to the new society's graphic when you either relog, modify continents, or enter/go out an example.

Questionmark.png Tin a guild change its proper noun or tabard?

-  A lodge's name may be changed by the guild master contacting a game master by in-game ticket, and politely requesting that the gild proper name be changed. The order main must exist the person to contact the GM, and the name being inverse to must be within Blizzard'south naming policy. The other option is if the proper noun is reported for violating Blizzard'south naming policy. A Social club Tabard can be changed at any time by the guild main by simply visiting a Guild Master in whatsoever domicile city. The cost of this is 10g.
- Proper noun changing: Changing a Guild Proper noun is is a simple process, merely information technology does take some time and may be a one-fourth dimension-simply request. Hither is an example of feedback in a blueish post about a name change request:[1]
Blizz.gifThis is something that our Game Masters may exist able to assist with, Jebbediah, just understand that it is a adequately rare exception - the type nosotros may only exist able to provide in one case.

As for the length of time it is taking, our queue times are a bit lengthy with the holidays and adequately new expansion. Y'all can go a good estimate of roughly how long it might take by checking out our Twitter feed - nosotros post estimated queue times twice daily. >^.^<

Blizzard CS Twitter
-  Here is an example of an in-game message from a contacted Game Main to change a Social club Name. The ticket was nevertheless active for at least 1 day. The following day an in-game email appeared showing the following:
Blizz.gifHey there, <graphic symbol name>!

Thank you for your infrequent patience in waiting to exist contacted. Nosotros really appreciate information technology! We'd be glad to aid you with a ane fourth dimension only Club Name modify! :) Here's what you demand to practice: Submit a ticket to the states with your summit five choices for a new name and we'll practice our best to make sure you get the one you desire! Hope you have an awesome 24-hour interval! Thanks again for contacting me. :) May all your hits exist crits and your lewtz be phat!

<gm name>

Game Primary
-  Afterward submitting a 2nd ticket with the requested information, the ticket became "escalated" which ways that it is no longer in the hands of a GM but has been instead passed onto an account specialist. This ticket took several days to resolve. As with a regular ticket, if you edit or delete this ticket, then you will have to first the procedure all over over again.
- Futurity name changing service: In a blue postal service it was mentioned that Blizzard is working on a service to allow Guild Leaders to pay to have their lodge name changed in an automated manner for a fee.[2] However, in the iv months since the announcement (every bit of late July 2011), there has been no followup.

Questionmark.png If a GM changes a guild name for a violation, what happens?

-  If a society has a name that is in violation of policy equally determined by a GM and is changed, it volition exist changed immediately to the proper noun of the guild leader until that leader contacts a GM to suggest a valid name to alter the society to.[three] Only a guild leader can change the guild proper name.

Questionmark.png Can a guild transfer to another realm/server?

-  Currently there is no mechanism to ensure any historical aspects of a gild volition exist preserved when re-established on another realm/server. You can only make a new order on a different realm/server with the same name every bit the old gild, recreate its permissions structure, and re-invite any members who transferred. No gild achievements or guild perks are preserved.
- Future transfer service: In a blueish post it was mentioned that Blizzard is working on a service to allow Guild Leaders to transfer their guild to another realm/server and maintain the status of the guild for a fee.[2]

Blizz.gif The thought is for a social club leader to exist able to transfer a guild to another realm. The guild structure remains intact, including the lodge leader, order bank, ranks, and guild proper name (depending on availability).

Guild members who decide to relocate with their gild may initiate their own paid character transfer. Upon a successful transfer they will automatically be part of the guild when they starting time log into the new realm. Their social club rank and social club reputation volition be intact.

  However, in the 4 months since the announcement (equally of late July 2011), at that place has been no followup.

Questionmark.png What'south the bargain with guild ranks?

-  In that location are 5 guild ranks by default: Initiate, Member, Veteran, Officer, and Leader.

Questionmark.png How practice I create a social club event?

  • Ordinarily, Officers and Leaders can add and remove players from the society.
  • Members of the guild tin merely perform promote/demote/remove deportment on those of lower ranks than themselves.
  • Only Leaders can disband the guild and promote players to the Officeholder rank.
  • Just one character can exist the guild Leader.
  • Guilds must take a minimum of 5 ranks. More than ranks tin can exist added by the Leader, up to a maximum of 10 ranks.
-  Rank names and privileges are customizable by the guild Leader. The privileges are:
  • Inviting players to the guild or removing them.
  • Promoting or demoting of members.
  • Viewing or speaking in Order chat.
  • Viewing or speaking in the special Officer chat channel.
  • Editing public notes or viewing/editing of Officer notes.
  • Editing the guild Message of the Solar day or the Guild Data panel.
  • Viewing, withdrawing, depositing or editing the Guild Bank tabs.

Questionmark.png Why should I even join a guild?

-  Most people join guilds to seek out help on quest, instances, and fifty-fifty to get help attaining a certain ready piece you may desire. Some people relish the social aspects and camaraderie. Others want the structure a guild tin provide. Information technology'due south too worth noting that on some servers, players not in a social club are spammed en masse in major cities by guilds looking for members.

Creating a lodge website

Main article: Guild website utilities

In that location are many ways to build a order website. The most mutual approaches are:

  • Create from scratch: requires finding a straightforward web hosting provider or running a server on your home machine or elsewhere. Yous'll then have to install, configure and maintain software components such as a web server (eastward.thou. Apache, IIS); add together-on software modules (frequently written in PHP); and a SQL database to store the data server-side. This is both well beyond the ken of many players, also as fourth dimension consuming, technically challenging, and can crave quite a chip of ongoing maintenance.
  • Sign up with a guild hosting service: With the popularity of MMORPGs, and Earth of Warcraft in particular, a variety of specialized guild hosting providers have come up into beingness to simplify the lives of guild masters the world over. These services may exist free, or for-pay, or both (usually offering upgrades to the paid-only services). The prices vary from service to service, just are typically quite reasonable, especially in light of the complexity of the alternative described to a higher place. Options range from free ad-supported services to premium packages offering things like DKP systems or more than file storage.

Typical features for guild websites

Guild hosting services typically offer:

  • Public and/or individual forums for members to communicate with each other, or other tools for communications such as instant messaging.
  • Ventrilo or TeamSpeak voice server hosting and server status integration into the web site content. (Note that there has been a rash of people going into Ventrilo or Teamspeak channels and playing soundboards, normally known as Ventrilo Harassment. To solve this trouble, radio silence is recommended.)
  • Tools for tracking the roster of characters in the guild.
  • An application for scheduling and organizing raids, tournaments and other gaming events.
  • Applications for tracking treasure, items, or points accrued toward redeeming treasure (oft referred to as a DKP organisation).
  • A news arrangement.
  • Applications to facilitate accepting and managing player applications for membership in the club.

Popular guild hosting services

A comprehensive list of society hosting services can exist found here.

Patch changes

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Patch four.0.3 (15-Nov-2010): Instead of ten signatures to create a guild, 5 signatures are required now.[iv]

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King / World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Patch 4.0.1 (12-Oct-2010): A lodge cannot have more than grand members. When goes live, guilds with more than 1000 members cannot invite new players, until they take 999 members or less.[5]


See also

External links

Leveling guild
Raiding club

Make Azeroth Great Again Guild Application
